Dr. Choukroun PRF Starter System
Dr. Choukrouns' Online Course is being offered free with the purchase of this Choukroun PRF system (Call 888-590-9001 to redeem).
Many recent studies have shown the interest and potential of white cells in the inflammatory cascade, as a corollary, a prominent action in the early days of stimulation of Osseo-progenitor cells and vessels growth. (List of publications available on: www.a-prf.com) It was therefore natural to try to capture the whole amount of white cells (specially the monocytes) in the PRF, to make it more active in stimulating bone grafts by production of BMPs and VEGF, but also to turn to a more rapid transformation of monocytes into macrophages to increase the effect bone stimulation.
This is done with the A-PRF™ or Advanced-PRF™.
A specific tube that was developed following our scientific research: tube A-PRF™ +. Now available is sterile package. (medical device class II).
The concept of PRF stays unchanged. No additive, no anticoagulants. The fibrin is the best scaffold for tissue engineering and slow release of growth factors.
The in vivo test of A-PRF show a faster vascularization after 2 weeks than with classic PRF (around x 2,5 times.) The clinical results show more efficiency in soft and hard tissue healing! Probably, the presence of stems cells and endothelial cells is also a factor of more fast vascularization.
Many scientific studies are underway: The results will be published shortly. But the presence of BMP in sufficient quantity, already provides the A-PRF ™ a future by providing practitioners with a very powerful product for bone reconstruction and soft tissue healing. The A-PRF stays still affordable.
• Specially designed for using 6 PRF protocols.
• Tube balancing simplified by the color code.
• Optimal and stable temperature.
What is Included
• DUO Quattro Centrifuge
• USB stick with up to date Protocols and Instructions
• PRF box-
• Steribox Large with silicon bed
• A-PRF Red Tubes (Box of 100)
• S-PRF Green Tubes ( Box of 24)
• 21g Blood collectors ( Box of 24)
• PRF Forceps
• PRF Scissors
• PRF Pad
• Double Spoon
• Large Compactor
• Small Compactor
• Double Soft Brushing Instrument
• PRF Bowl
• PRF Tube Holder
• PomCol Blood Draw Cooling Set
• PomPac Tube Cooling Set
• Reusable tourniquet
• Stickers ( Box of 30)
You save $835.00 when you purchase this as a kit instead of individual Parts. This system is very easy to use, Simply select one of the 6 programmable setting and press the start button to begin creating you A-PRF Membranes or I-PRF Liquid. Don't be fooled by competitors, this is the only centrifuge supported by the creator of PRF Technology Dr. Joseph Choukroun.